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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Facebook Profiles and Business Pages...So, What's the Difference?

Personal Profile Information Page

Facebook Profile Page
A profile page is for a person and includes unique information such as a relationship status, birthday, work history, hometown, and more. You can use your profile page create a business page for the community and hold or grant administrative access to the business page in order to edit and maintain the information on the business page.

Facebook Business Account
Create a Business Page
However, you do not need to have a Facebook profile page to create a business page. If you want a business page, but do not want a personal account, you can create the page without having a profile. Once the page is created, Facebook will then ask you if you have a profile. At this point you can simply enter your email address and birth date to create what is known as a Business Account. Business accounts are used only to administer pages and ad campaigns. They do not show up in search results or cannot receive friend requests, so if you do not want to have a personal presence on Facebook, but still want to use it for work, this is the way to go!

Business Information Page
Facebook Business Page
A Facebook business page is a page specifically for a business, your community. A business page will increase your community’s SEO, reach to potential residents, and maintain a conversation with current residents. A business page contains unique information such as contact information, office hours, description about your community, website, and if merged with your Facebook Places can offer deals, a map of your location, and information on who is ‘checking in’ to your community, how often people are visiting your community, and how many people ‘like’ your community. You can even link your Facebook Business Page and your community’s Twitter account. Check out our recent post about the new Facebook Business Page updates.

Moving from a Profile Page to Business Page
It is actually against Facebook Terms to run a profile page as a business page, and if your profile account is discovered by Facebook, there's a good chance they'll delete it without warning. We’ve seen it happen many times. Switching to a business page will minimize the impact of a deleted account.

Here is how to get your business profile “friends” to move with you to your new official business page:
  1. Send a message to any "friends" of the profile page suggesting that they become a fan of your official business page. Let them know that's the place where you'll be posting updates from now on.
  2. Post a link to your business page on the wall of your old profile page. Drive all that traffic to your business page.
  3. When you get a friend request on the profile account, send them a quick note to say thanks and direct them to the business page for the latest updates.
  4. Focus all your efforts moving forward on cultivating your audience on your business page.

Facebook Business Pages are a great way to reach your residents where they are and share information, pictures, and of course, video! Check out our Facebook Page to keep in touch with us!

Facebook has recently added the ability to convert Facbook Profiles into Facebook Pages. You keep your name and all your "friends" turn into "likes." But beware, you may lose a lot of your info and media in the transfer, so be sure to copy and save it to your computer first! Also, once you convert to the business page, there is no going back! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Scramble to Become Mayor! Information about Foursquare

Foursquare is a location based social media phone application and website where users can find friends, earn badges, and learn about the businesses and locations in the area. You can participate in Foursquare by downloading the free application on your smart phone, sending an SMS message to 50500, or using your computer’s web browser to access the website

The core Foursquare demographics are young, urban, and tech-savvy however the demographic is constantly growing. Earlier this month Foursquare reached 7.5 million users up roughly 935% from March 2010.

A business participates in Foursquare by creating/claiming their venue. Visit Capture The Market’s venue here. Your venue is a place where you can provide your contact information, provide a Deal for the Mayor of your venue, add Tips. You can also link your Foursquare venue to your Facebook Business Page and/or your Twitter account.

Users check-in to the various venues to earn badges, earn points, and become the Mayor of a location. A User’s smart phone uses GPS to provide a list of nearby locations to choose from. Users without a smart phone and send an SMS message to check-in to a location. Users can add Tips about the locations to recommend actions or offer opinions about the location to friends and other users or To-Dos or reminders for their next visit.

Future Events
Come August 1, 2011, v1 of the Foursquare API will be deactivated and replaced completely by v2. Though this is essentially on the developer side of things, you would benefit from verifying that on August 1 you are using the most updated version of your phone application. Learn more here.

Be sure to comment with any questions, or contact me at for a one sheet with more detailed information about Foursquare.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Visit with Your Video Girls! - Booth #140 - Apartment Association of Greater Dallas Trade Show!

Come by Market Hall in Dallas, Texas today to visit with your Video Girls: Beth, Kimberly, Janet, Rachel, and Diana! The AAGD Trade Show starts at 3pm and goes until 8pm.

We look forward to seeing you at Booth #140!

Be sure to stop by Booth #140 & 
enter the drawing for a $100 gift card!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why is Everyone Always Wearing GREEN?!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Today is the celebrated around the world as St. Patrick's Day: religious feast day marking the anniversary of St. Patrick's death in the fifth century.

The History
In the 5th century Britain, a 16 year old boy named Maewyn Succat was kidnapped by Irish marauders and remained a shepard's slave for 6 years in Ireland. He later escaped, guided by visions of faith, back to Britain where he became a priest and took the name Patrick. Patrick returned to Ireland in 432 A.D. on a mission to bring Christianity to the island. Patrick died on March 17, 461 A.D.

video courtesy of Tampa Bay's Channel 10 News

Celebrations of the Day!

Those of you in the New York City area, go visit the parade and be a part of the world's oldest civilian parade and the largest parade in the United States.

Anyone near Chicago should stop by and see the celebratory dyeing of the Chicago River! Though the origins may be unsavory, today Chicago dumps 40 pounds of green dye into the river for hours of celebratory green water.

Does your city follow the"dye the river green" tradition?

What traditions do you follow on Saint Patrick's Day?

My Traditions:
I wear as much green as possible: clothing, nail polish, eye shadow.

I bake a dessert for my friends and/or family. A group of my friends and I gather for dinner every Thursday, rotating houses every week, and for tonight I've made an Irish Coffee Pie: seen to the right. View the recipe here.

Hope you all have a great Thursday and a great Saint Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

QR Codes: A Scan Above the Rest

Quick Response Codes (QR Codes) are slowly gaining popularity among US businesses. You can buy Qrapping paper, scan tags at Macy’s for a ‘Backstage Pass,’ scan a real estate sign for the property’s listing information and photos, use your phone as an airline boarding pass, or pay for your morning Starbucks.

QR codes are used in almost all media: in magazines, brochures, business cards, on video, on signs, on tags and labels, and on cars, trucks, or trailers. QR codes are versatile as they can perform a variety of functions:
  • link to a website or landing page
  • allow for instant payment
  • play a video
  • display photos or text
  • provide driving directions
  • link to coupons and special offers
  • trigger phone functions: making a call, opening email or text messaging (IM or SMS)
  • activate an online function: ‘liking’ a Facebook Page or following a Twitter feed

 QR code usage in the United States has increased 1,200% from July to December 2010. QR codes are becoming more customizable in terms of including adding logos and changing the color or size. QR codes are universal and can be scanned using an iPhone, Blackberry, Android, or other Smartphone provided the user has downloaded one of the many free QR readers. Microsoft has released an MS tag which can only be read by a Microsoft Tag Reader, but allows for more creative designs.

Examples of Today
Google Places will provide you with a window decal which includes a QR code to your company’s website, hours of operation, or current specials once you register your local business.

A QR code present at the end of this online movie trailer links the user to their Facebook Page where the user can Fan or Like the page, read the latest news releases, or comment on the movie.

Ralph Lauren uses a QR code to direct viewers to their mobile website where they can browse merchandise, sign up for newsletters, or purchase an item.

Many airlines are using QR codes as a digital boarding pass for passengers on domestic and international flights.

Look for QR codes in your life, and let us know what you discover!  What is your opinion of QR Codes? How and where are you interacting with QR Codes?